hockey sticks icon

people icon4 vs 4 mixed ball hockey

clock icon2 x 20 minutes periods

square footage icon6,500 sq. ft gym


2025-02-07 - School opens at 6h15pm

Good day Players, The school has an after school program. We were asked not to enter the school before 6h15pm in order to make sure we do not interfere with the after school program.
Thank you for your cooperation.

2024-12-30 - New Season start January 10, 2025

We will be drafting/making teams on Friday Night January 3. Teams and shedule to be updated on website by Saturday night.
Looking forward to a new season!

2024-12-26 - New Season starts on January 10, 2025.

Happy New year to all! New Season starts on January 10, 2025. If interested please register soon, Teams will be made on January 3, 2025.



École élémentaire publique Des Sentiers


2159 Nantes St, Ottawa
ON K4A 4C4