Pickle Ball - Drop in

hockey sticks icon

people icon12 minutes games than switch

clock icon6pm-7h45pm

square footage icon3 courts, 12 players


Registration process

To track players we will be using the application Team Reach. Players registered on the MCL website please register again on the app.

.....Install TeamReach on iphone

.....Install TeamReach on android

.....Enter code: JeudiLuc6

Only 14 person are allowed per week, thats 12 on the court and 2 spares that sub in. We play 12 minutes games so you are only on the bench long enough to catch your breath, stretch and get a bit of water.
If you want to play on a night that is full, put yourself on the wait list, if someone cancels you will be in.
This is new but it has potential so we are trying it

2024-12-26 - PickleBall New season starts on January 9, 2025

PickleBall is from 6h00pm to 7h45pm every Thursdays at St-Joseph d'Orleans- 10$ a person, or $125 for the season



École St-Joseph D'Orleans


6664 Carrière St
Orléans, ON
K1C 1J4