hockey sticks icon

people icon4 vs 4 mixed ball hockey

clock icon2 periods of 22 minutes)

square footage icon5500 sq. ft gym


2025-01-10 - Doors open at 6h15pm

Just a reminder if you are playing the 6h30pm game, the school doors will not be unlocked until 6h15pm. I.e. don't show up too early.
Thank you

2024-12-30 - New Season start January 7, 2025

We will be drafting/making teams on Friday Night January 3. Teams and shedule to be update on website by Saturday night.
Looking forward to a new season!

2024-12-26 - Winters eason starts on January 7. 2025

New season will start on Janury 7th. Few spots are left, if interested please sign up soon. Have a happy New Year and see you soon!



École élémentaire publique Jeanne-Sauvé


1917 Gardenway Dr, Orléans,
ON K4A 2Y7