hockey sticks icon

people icon4 vs 4 mixed ball hockey

clock icon2 x 20 minutes periods

square footage icon6,500 sq. ft gym

Friday Past Champions

picture of the past champions

Aging All Stars

Jake Clark, Alex B-C, Natalie Fortin, Andre Fortin, Adele Marcoux, Mathieu Péloquin, Greg McNish, Nicolas Carpentier, Justin Larose, Nikki Perfetti
MISSING:Gen Bisson, Andre Fortin
SPARES:Mathieu Péloquin, Nikki Perfetti

picture of the past champions

Fall 2023...........AWARDS

Plein de Marde

Denis Labreche, Claudine Vézina, Elian Al-kadri, Clement Dupont, Nat Fortin, Derrick Lum, Antoine Bélanger-Crévieaux, Mauro Tomietto, Justin Larose, Alex Belanger-Crevieaux
MISSING:Justin-Thomas Warkus-Fortin, Marie-Rose Lebel-MacFarlane, Alex Belanger-Crevieaux(G)
SPARES:Nat Fortin, Clement Dupont, Justin Larose (G)

picture of the past champions

Winter 2023

Tic Tac Ticker

Lynne Godbout, Denis Labreche, Paul Brennan, Alain Godbout, Benoît Delisle, Sophie Filion, Justin larose, Shannyn Johnson

picture of the past champions

Fall 2022

La passe ou Lacasse

Mathieu Tremblay,Shannyn Johnson, Chris Walker,Luc Bourgeois,Maureen Proulx,Nicole Leclaire,Antoine Bélanger-Crévieaux,Alain Tremblay,Marc-André Lacasse,Christine Moreau-Tremblay
MISSING:Alain Tremblay
SPARES:Chris Walker

picture of the past champions

Fall 2021


Andre Fortin, Elise Mulder, Nat Fortin, Sherry Mills, Antoine Belanger-Creviaux, Jacob Schryburt, Alex Belanger-Creviaux
MISSING:Yanick Dicaire, Mike Zaborski, Alyssa Magliocco, Melanie Lalonde, Alexie Burelle
SPARES:Andre Fortin, Elise Mulder, Nat Fortin, Sherry Mills, Antoine Belanger-Creviaux,

picture of the past champions

Fall 2019


Caroline Rogers, Nicolas Carpentier, Jon Mulder, Mike Zaborski, Marc-Andre Lacasse, Mauro Tomietta, Nicole Seguin, Alyssa Magliocco, Alexie Burelle
MISSING:Bridget Belanger, Alyssa Magliocco
SPARES:Karine Hebert, Caroline Rogers

picture of the past champions

Winter 2019

All in the Family

Isabelle Blondeau, Shawn Lorraim, Jake Olive, Alexie Burelle, Sylvain Joanette, Veronique Cardibal, Alyssa Magliocco, Claude BLondeau, Gabriel Grimard
SPARES: none

picture of the past champions

Fall 2018

Book Hockey

Isabelle Chabot (a.k.a 53), Shawn Lorrain, Paula McClintock, Michael Bibaut, Al Dupuis, Derek Akeson, Céline Bourgeois, Nicolas Carpentier, Tim Bibaut, Dylan Dupuis, Matthew Dupuis, Marc-André Lacasse

picture of the past champions

Winter 2018

Beast Mode 2.0

Richard Lalonde, Marc-André Lacasse, Sylvain Decoeur, Roch Decoeur, Alex Robinson, Mel Lalonde, Nicole Seguin, Austin Girouard, Pat Doré, Lynne Godbout.
SPARES: Melanie Lalonde, Alex Robinson
MISSING: Josée Bouchard

picture of the past champions

Fall 2017

Drunks Are Here

Marc-André Lacasse, Michael Okopien, JT Fortin, Austin Girouard, Sonny Tam, Patrick Doré, Nicole Seguin. Lynne Godbout SPARES: Sonny Tam, Renée-Anne Drouin MISSING: Vinnie Lundon

picture of the past champions

Winter 2017

Rogue IX

Jason Muscant, Isabelle Blondeau, Josée Bouchard, Dan Blondeau, Ricahrd Lalonde, Isabelle Chabot, Marc-André Lacasse, Patrick Doré, Sylvain Guibord SPARES: Patrick Doré, Isabelle Chabot, Marc-André Lacasse, MISSING: Pat Portelance, Danika Gratton, Rundeep Bajwa

picture of the past champions

Fall 2016

Eberle Hills 90210

Tom Woo, Marc-André Lacasse, Josée Bouchard, Marty Mongeon, Marie-Pier Malboeuf, Karine Hébert, Mike Okopien, Adam Gough, Natalie Fortin, SPARES: Karine Hébert, MISSING: Leslie Knapp

picture of the past champions

Winter 2016


Leslie Knapp, Manon Labrosse, Andre Fortin, Elise Mulder, Luc Bourgeois, Natalie Fortin, Michel Blondeau, Martin Perron, JT Fortin, Jesse Smith, SPARES: Michel Blondau

picture of the past champions

Fall 2015

Taxicab Kanefessions

Jon Mulder, David Hayes, Andrew Nowaczek, Cindy Villeneuve, Sharlene Faulkes, Diane Pelletier, Katrina Potvin, Martin Charette, Sebastien Mercier MISSING: Matt Deodati, Steph Nadeau, SPARES: Jon Mulder, Sebastien Mercier

picture of the past champions

Winter 2015

Happy Feet

Annik Lavictoire, Jon Mulder, Dave Hayes, Luc Bourgeois, Stephano Demitrios , Elise Mulder, Matthew Cybulski (replacing Karine Hebert), Myriam Saumure-Lajoie, Sylvie Seguin

picture of the past champions

Fall 2014

Puck'ing Idiots

Veronique Perrault, Tom Woo, Sylvain Decoeur, Camille Deguire, Elise Mulder, Ken Robinson, Sophie Filion, Matt Cybulski, Dian Pelletier

picture of the past champions

Winter 2014

Who are those guys

Melanie Lalonde, Jennifer Tyrell, Amanda Kearney, Luc BOurgeois, Al Dupuis, Stephen Fitzpatrick, Pierre Lalonde, Celine Bourgeois, Shawn Blais

picture of the past champions

Winter 2013

Cradle Robbers

Luc Bourgeois, Amanda Kearney, Diane Pelletier, Fred Bois, Patrick Dore, Martin St-Amour, France Lavictoire, MC Chartrand, Celine Bourgeois

picture of the past champions

Fall 2012

Dolls & Balls

Yann Brisebois, Melissa Blondeau, Luc Bourgeois, Celine Bourgeois, Amanda Kearney, Franco Pagotto, Aniick Lavictoire, Karine Hebert, Andre Lalonde

picture of the past champions

Fall 2009

Easton Fection

Karine Hebert, ? , Dan Blondeau, Andrew argyle, Isabelle Blondeau, ? , ? , Grace Mellano, Rob Veneble